Product Updates Discover New Sharing Rules: Share by Person and by School The Edlink feature, Sharing Rules, expanded so edtech developers can better manage their integrations’ data privacy settings.
security Single-tenant vs. Multi-tenant: What's better for your app's data security? Edtech companies can store school data in one system. Or, they can have each school use a separate system. We’re going to jump into the security of each one.
security Sharing Rules: How Edlink Makes LMS Integrations Safer After a school is connected to Edlink, learning tools and school admins can set rules about what school data is shared, viewed, and updated at any time through the integration.
FAQ Does Edlink store PII? We sure do! We only access student or school data with the permission of either an authorized representative of the school or the direct permission of the person to whom
security Edlink is getting our SOC 2! Our mission at Edlink is to improve the quality of and access to education through the use of technology. One of the ways we do this is through building software people can rely on. A SOC 2 Compliance audit means you don't have to take our word for it.
FAQ How Does Edlink Handle Data Privacy and Security? We’ve made a list of some of the ways we safeguard student data. It's our top priority.
Product Updates How Edtech Vendors Enable Schools to Manage Integrations: Edlink’s Sharing Rules Delight school admins by letting them make the calls. With Edlink, school admins can choose which students have access to the newly integrated learning tool.
Data Integration How Edlink Handles School Data Looking to understand how a potential integration partner manages and handles their data? You’ve come to the right place. Overall Edlink typically works as a third-party data subprocessor and we happily sign learning institution DPAs. Here’s more details below…
sso Why You Shouldn't Match Users by Email Address Where SSO Is Involved For teachers and students, SSO is becoming a popular feature for online learning applications. But matching users based on email can cause a major security vulnerability. Here’s how to prevent it.
Data Integration Edlink Helps IT Admins Self-Manage Integrations Tech admins play a vital role in data integrations. Edlink is there to support other edtech companies build trust and cohesion between developers and schools.
canvas What Exactly Are Canvas Developer Keys? Canvas is a self-hosted and open-source platform. Canvas supports integration through its APIs and through the LTI standard (including the LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage specifications). Here are some Canvas integration quirks and how integrating can be surprisingly challenging.
law 5 Student Privacy Laws Edtech Developers Need to Know Several laws are in place to help protect student data. Knowing what they are and how to comply are important for developers when working with schools and student data.
gdpr The Effects of GDPR in Education When the European Union enacted General Data Protection Regulation, its consequences were felt in industries around the world. We take a look at how GDPR affected the crossroads of education and technology.
coppa Which Organizations Protect Student Privacy These situations run the chance of breaking federal or state laws. To regulate that, these organizations help ensure that vendors comply with data privacy laws and actively protect students.
ferpa Does FERPA Impact Edtech Companies? FERPA laid the modern foundations for protecting student privacy. But does it have any significance for edtech companies? Let’s look at the law and how it's enforced.
law All About COPPA Below are the types of data COPPA covers, how to properly comply with the law, and what may happen when COPPA violations are found.