api Connecting the Dots: Understanding API vs LTI Integrations Imagine you want to use a new learning app alongside your school's learning management system (LMS), like Canvas or Blackboard. This article explains how these two systems can work together, focusing on two common methods: API and LTI integrations.
lms LMS Integrations in 2024 for K12 and Higher Education: What You Need to Know Check out the most recent update to LMS integrations for the upcoming year. Download it today for free!
schoology Schoology Integration Starter Kit An all-in-one beginning guide to integrate with Schoology.
lms LMS Integration in 2023 for K12 and Higher Education: What You Need to Know Check out the most recent update to LMS integrations for the upcoming year. Download it today for free!
FAQ If I work with Edlink will I automatically be OneRoster/LTI/Clever (etc) Certified? No. It is certainly possible for you to get certified by any of the bodies that manage the systems or standards we help edtech developers support. And Edlink would be
lti Schoology and LTI 1.3 Schoology released support for the LTI 1.3 specification. Below we’ll answer some top-of-the-mind questions around this LMS and integration possibilities.
FAQ Why Work with Edlink and Not Build an LTI Application? We get this question a lot. Edlink isn't everything to all people and we won't try to convince you otherwise. With that being said, here are some raw thoughts we
lti What are the Possible Future Services for LTI Advantage? LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage are the newest additions to the LTI specification. The LTI 1.3 specification is based on the LTI 1.1 specification framework and LTI Advantage is a set of optional services added to it.
lti What is "LTI Integration"? Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a data specification created by 1EdTech Consortium (formerly, IMS Global Learning Consortium; 1Edtech). Overall the specification helps learning tools (apps and other platforms) integrate with LMS providers.
Data Integration Rostering Students and Teachers in Your App: What Are Your Options? Edtech products often need to know the identity of the users (like students and teachers) so they can provision accounts and allow logins. Retrieving data from one data provider to provision accounts in a different product is called rostering.
lti The Challenges of Using the LTI Specification for K12 and Higher Ed LMS Integrations The LTI specification by 1EdTech is a popular method for integrating third-party tools into a learning institution’s LMS. Choosing that route has some complex issues to take into consideration before building an LTI-compliant app.
edlink What You Gain with Edlink as Your Integration Partner Edtech companies nowadays need to integrate with several education data providers, have robust integration features, and have powerful management tools. At Edlink, we got it all.
lms LMS Integration in 2021 for K12 and Higher Education: What You Need to Know We have updated this whitepaper since 2021 is long gone. Our newest version of this whitepaper is here - bit.ly/3EjA7Gd
brightspace Challenges of Integrating with Brightspace Brightspace by D2L offers self-hosted and cloud-based solutions for K12 and higher ed. Brightspace supports integrations through its APIs and the LTI standard (including LTI 1.3 and LTI Advantage). But there are still challenges edtech developers will face when integrating.
blackboard Challenges of Integrating with Blackboard Blackboard Learn is one of the most widely used learning management systems in higher education and in K12. Blackboard can be hosted in onsite servers or deployed as a SaaS solution.
lms 5 Do-It-Yourself Tips for Building a Successful LMS Integration for EdTech Developers Building new LMS integrations can be tricky. Here are five tips to keep in mind to help you create successful integrations.
moodle The Challenges of Integrating With Moodle Many edtech companies integrate with Moodle because of RFP requests. As a popular LMS in education, developers should be aware of the following Moodle integration quirks before starting their builds.
schoology The Challenges of Integrating With Schoology Learn about some of the more challenging aspects of Schoology integration!
microsoft teams How to Implement SSO with Microsoft Teams Single sign-on (SSO) allows users to sign into different applications, platforms, or websites by using one set of credentials. Here are the beginning steps to implement SSO with Microsoft Teams.
lms Common Pitfalls of LMS Integration Companies getting started with LMS integrations may run into some common pitfalls. Many of these challenges aren't immediately apparent and can cause serious delays. Here's a short list of some of the most typical, but frustrating roadblocks developers could run into.
brightspace API vs. LTI Integration for Brightspace (D2L) Brightspace by D2L is a popular LMS among large K12 districts in Canada and the United States. There are 2 methods to integrate with Brightspace, through the API or through the LTI standard. This article will cover each method and how to use them.
blackboard API vs. LTI Integration for Blackboard Blackboard is a popular LMS among universities and large K12 districts in the United States. There are 2 ways to integrate with Blackboard, through its API or the LTI standard. Here’s more about each method and how to use them to integrate with Blackboard.
Data Integration Why is LMS Integration Important? Integration for a learning management system (LMS) is one of the first steps for edtech organizations to become more interoperable. Here’s how LMS integrations help institutions and companies.
microsoft teams API vs. LTI Integration for Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams is one of the fastest growing LMSs in the United States. There are usually 2 methods to integrate with the LMS: API and LTI standard integrations. Here’s how edtech developers can integrate their products to Microsoft Teams.
google classroom API vs. LTI Integration for Google Classroom Google Classroom has been widely adopted across the United States. There are typically 2 methods of LMS integration: API and LTI standard integrations. Here’s what edtech developers should know to integrate their products with Google Classroom.