My Syncs Aren't Completing. What Do I Do?

Hey School Admin! Having trouble with your syncs?

Let's troubleshoot.

Attempting Another Sync

In rare cases, a sync may randomly error. If you notice earlier syncs listed as completed but your latest failed, you can manually run a new sync.

To do this, select Sources on the left-hand side of your screen.

Then select your provider (i.e., your LMS/SIS).

You should see a page with a table of previous syncs.

Select the blue Run Sync button on the right side of your screen.

You will now see a new sync starting in the queued state.

Note: There are two states that the sync will go through before finishing, queued, and working. Once those are finished, you will see the completed state.

Reconnecting Your Admin Account

If your sync repeatedly says error, it's likely your LMS admin account doesn’t have the correct permissions anymore.

Check out this article on reconnecting your admin account, which takes two minutes or less.