Edlink offers a usage-based pricing model. This pricing model consists of 2 pieces, a “Monthly Platform Fee” and an “Additional Synced Person Fee”.

The details of our pricing plans are available here.

What does the monthly platform fee include?

The Monthly Platform Fee gives edtech companies (aka our clients) access to all of Edlink’s functionality, features, and services relevant to a client’s pricing tier. The fee also grants access to any new features or services developed over the lifetime of our working relationship which is applicable to the client’s pricing tier. This includes the following:

  • a 5-minute IT admin onboarding flow to connect new learning institutions (branded with the client’s logo front and center),
  • Tools to manage and filter out data so a client can decide who are their synced people (read: access to their product),
  • One simple single sign-on flow for all integrations for all synced people in your platform,
  • The ability to transform and override multiple data sets at once,
  • The ability to connect a second data source to enrich data sets and match people within them.

What is a synced person?

A synced person is anyone from a learning institution that is shared through the Edlink API. This means the institution has allowed the edtech company to access this person's information (course rosters, etc.) through filters in the Edlink Dashboard. The person's data is “synced” and able to be accessed by the edtech company's product via the Edlink Unified API. Edlink does not charge any fees for people filtered out of the dataset.

Will we be charged if a district “overshares” its data?

Edlink offers clients the ability to filter down the data a learning institution shares. By doing so, clients are able to limit access to only a subset of data. So a client’s “synced people” are determined by the filters clients set in place, not what the district (over)shares.

Edlink offers monthly and 1-year agreements. Sometimes our “Scale" clients opt for a longer agreement in exchange for a lower Per Synced Person Fee.

How does the Development Grace Period work?

For clients who are on the Grow or Scale plan, we offer a 30- or 60-day (respectively) grace period under contract, which allows them to access the full depth and breadth of our products and associated services. This gives Edlink the ability to offer consulting and advice freely and means that our clients don't pay any upfront implementation fees. The grace period expires 30 or 60 days (depending on the plan) from the execution date of the agreement or when our client onboards their first learning institution using Edlink, whichever occurs first.

Have More FAQs?

Read our full collection of frequently asked questions about Edlink and our Unified API.

Ready to Start Integrating?

Create a developer account to set up a test sandbox. Or if you think Edlink can help you on your integration journey, email us at support@ed.link to set up a call.