Client Stories New Client Announcement: Thinking Nation Edlink proudly welcomes Thinking Nation to the team!
Client Stories New Client Announcement: Essential Skills Edlink proudly welcomes Essential Skills to the team!
Client Stories Client Announcement: MindPrint Learning Edlink proudly welcomes MindPrint Learning to the team!
sis What is an SIS Integration? SIS integrations are one way for edtech companies to become more interoperable. But what are they? We’ll define SIS integrations and explain why learning institutions and companies care.
schoology Schoology Integration Starter Kit An all-in-one beginning guide to integrate with Schoology.
Client Stories Client Conversation: Extempore Extempore found a way to continue to build their core product functionality without sacrificing auxiliary features like interoperability: They chose Edlink as their integration partner. Listen to the conversation with
Client Stories New Client Announcement: Vernier Science Education Edlink proudly welcomes Vernier Science Education to the team!
Client Stories Client Announcement: Activate Learning Edlink proudly welcomes Activate Learning to the team!
Client Stories Client Announcement: Deeloh Technologies, LLC – Extempore Edlink proudly welcomes Extempore to the team!
lms LMS Integration in 2023 for K12 and Higher Education: What You Need to Know Check out the most recent update to LMS integrations for the upcoming year. Download it today for free!
Client Stories New Client Announcement: Perfection Learning Edlink proudly welcomes Perfection Learning® Corporation (Perfection Learning) to the team!
google classroom Should I Integrate with the Google Classroom API or the Edlink Unified API? Let’s compare an LMS integration vs. a Unified API solution to help your EdTech app thrive.
Product Updates Discover New Sharing Rules: Share by Person and by School The Edlink feature, Sharing Rules, expanded so edtech developers can better manage their integrations’ data privacy settings.
Client Stories Identity Automation Closes Deal to Expand Its RapidIdentity Solution for Schools Read the latest news on our client, Identity Automation.
lms Should I Integrate with Schoology or Google Classroom? Consider these points if you are an edtech developer who needs to choose to build 1 integration over another.
api Edlink's Unified API Solves the Rate Limit Problem Picture APIs as a hero and rate limits as their arch-nemesis. In any comic book, the origin story of the champion usually inspires the villain (negatively, of course!). With APIs, developers get a similar struggle.