FAQ If I work with Edlink will I automatically be OneRoster/LTI/Clever (etc) Certified? No. It is certainly possible for you to get certified by any of the bodies that manage the systems or standards we help edtech developers support. And Edlink would be
Data Integration Rostering Students and Teachers in Your App: What Are Your Options? Edtech products often need to know the identity of the users (like students and teachers) so they can provision accounts and allow logins. Retrieving data from one data provider to provision accounts in a different product is called rostering.
ed-fi What are the Ed-Fi Alliance and the Ed-Fi Standard? Ed-Fi has its own data standard and technology suite through a community of schools, agencies, and developers. The Ed-Fi Alliance, which offers its data standards and API code for free, is sponsored by the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation.
Data Standards Who Creates Data Standards for Education? Several groups control the creation and maintenance of data standards in education. Data standards support interoperability, which is the ability of systems to exchange and use similar data (though standards aren’t the only way to support interoperability).