How Does Edlink Compare to Clever?

Edlink and Clever both make SSO and rostering simple for edtech companies and education institutions.

But there are several differences though:

  • Edlink offers edtech companies a two-way integration. Edtech companies can pass grades and assignments to an LMS. This is not possible with Clever.
  • Edlink prices per synced user, rather than charging by school building.
  • Edlink's primary "source of truth" is a school’s LMS rather than the SIS.
  • Edlink is as transparent to the end-user (teachers and students) as edtech companies desire, with an exception for school admins. There is no "Edlink Portal" for teachers and students to use to log in. Instead, users log into edtech products either via their LMS or via the edtech product itself.
  • Edlink does not ask or require k12 districts to "adopt" Edlink. Edlink’s clients are other edtech companies, not schools.

The Edlink Unified API offers support for Clever. So edtech products that build 1 integration to Edlink can utilize the Unified API to get Clever integrations (and some others). Our clients (other edtech companies) maintain a business relationship with Clever to utilize Clever’s service through Edlink.

Have More FAQs?

Read our full collection of frequently asked questions about Edlink and our Unified API.

Ready to Start Integrating?

Create a developer account to set up a test sandbox. Or if you think Edlink can help you on your integration journey, email us at to set up a call.