About ScholarPath:

ScholarPath connects students with multiple options for their next steps after high school. Featuring a government-compliant messaging system, ScholarPath provides a safe and secure space where providers can search for prospective candidates using ScholarPath filters and open lines of communication. Student information remains anonymous and protected until parents give consent for its release, while pathway providers can still send blinded messages to candidates who meet their criteria.

About the relationship:

ScholarPath had been in several conversations with potential customers and realized a growing problem: integrations. While researching interoperability and consulting their network, ScholarPath heard about Edlink. Interested in learning more, the ScholarPath team visited the Edlink website and opened the live chat. Edlink’s Miguel Doñes scheduled a meeting with Edlink’s Nick La Riza and the ScholarPath team to explore a possible solution.

During the meeting, ScholarPath’s team explained the problem. At the time, ScholarPath customers had to create CSVs for their enrollments and grades, and then upload them between ScholarPath’s platform and the SIS provider via SFTP. This manual process was complex and cumbersome — a clear pain point for customers. ScholarPath wanted a solution that didn’t require building integrations for every system a learning institution might use. By the end of their discussions, it was clear that Edlink could help as an integration partner.

With 1 integration to Edlink’s Unified API, ScholarPath can connect to dozens of LMS and SIS providers, such as PowerSchool, and receive data in the needed format. Edlink’s connections also support functionality like single sign-on, rostering, and grade passback, making it easy to share enrollments and grades between ScholarPath and a learning institution. Now, with Edlink as its integration partner, ScholarPath can confidently say “yes” to integrations when asked.

Edlink is the fastest and easiest way to integrate your learning platform with school data systems. Working with Edlink's Unified API saves development teams from headaches, accelerates time-to-market for operational teams, and helps sales teams win more deals.

Edlink currently supports 100+ edtech companies and helps over 40 million people use their edtech products seamlessly with their school’s LMS, SIS, and identity management platform (like Clever and ClassLink). We’re trusted to exchange sensitive data securely by edtech companies, school IT administrators, and district leaders in over 4,000 educational institutions, and growing.

To learn more about ScholarPath, visit www.scholarpath.com.

To learn more about Edlink, visit ed.link.