Hey School Admin! Interested in learning more about your school info in the dashboard?

About the dashboard

When your school connects its LMS, SIS, or SSO provider to a learning app, you can see your data in the Edlink dashboard. School admins and the developers of the app have access to the dashboard.

A view of the Edlink dashboard

People: Click on the “People” tab to view every user in your school or district able to access your app.  

  • Note: If you’d like to troubleshoot user issues, you can impersonate any user in this tab. To do this, click on their name, and then the blue Impersonate button to access the application as if you were them.

Districts: Click on the “Districts” tab to view each district. You will typically see just one district.

Schools: Click on the “Schools” tab to view each school included in the integration. If you have connected a district to Edlink, you would likely see more than one school listed.

Classes: Click on the “Classes” tab to view each individual class included in the integration. An example might be, “Algebra.” When you click on a class, you’ll see its students and teachers on the right-hand side of the screen.

Sections: Click on the “Sections” tab to view subsets within classes, such as “Algebra 2” and “Algebra 3.” Please note: Not all LMSs support this data type. Consequently, this data may not be available to you, depending on which LMS you use.

Courses: Click on the “Courses” tab to view the general courses included in the integration. “Algebra” might be listed as a Course in this tab, independent of enrollment or section details.

Sessions: Click on the “Sessions” tab to view each term period included in the integration. Depending on which LMS you use, you may see the name of the term period, as well as the Start Date and End Date.