Connecting to Edlink: Brightspace

Hey, School Admin! Glad you're here. We're excited to help you connect your Brightspace to a learning app.

Integrating is a breeze and should take five minutes or less.

Two quick things before we get started:

1. You must be a Brightspace Administrator to complete the integration process. Brightspace administrators will have a "Manage Extensibility" option in their settings menu.

2. Have you connected a learning app to Edlink before? If so, skip to step 2 (Completing the Integration). Yay!

Add Edlink as a REST API connection in your organization’s Brightspace environment. To do this, log into your Brightspace admin account and click the settings menu, followed by “Manage Extensibility,” “OAuth 2.0.” and “Register an App.”

Fill out the form:

Application name: Edlink

Redirect URI:

orgunits:course:read orgunits:coursetemplate:read organizations:organization:read content:completions:read,write content:modules:read content:toc:read content:topics:read,write core:*:* enrollment:orgunit:read grades:*:* role:detail:* users:userdata:read

Access Token Lifetime: 3600

Prompt for User Consent: False (Uncheck this box)

Enable Refresh Tokens: True (Check this box)

Non-commercial Developer: True (Check this box)

Click register.

Step 2: Completing the integration

The learning app that you want to connect to should have sent you an integration link that looks like this:

You got that? Great! Click it. Then follow the instructions to create an Edlink account and complete the integration. Note: if you've connected an app to Edlink before, just log in.

If you don't have the link, let us know by reaching out to, and we'll help you get it.

Any Questions?
If you still have questions, please contact our support team at and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.