New Client Announcement: LiteracyPlanet

About LiteracyPlanet:

LiteracyPlanet’s mission is to inspire a lifetime of learning and improve accessibility to English literacy education worldwide. By giving students a safe and engaging platform to build their literacy skills, LiteracyPlanet helps create confident communicators. This enhances a student’s ability to understand, assess, and act on information, making them more productive members of society while fostering a lifelong love for learning.

About the relationship:

LiteracyPlanet, an Australian company with a global customer base, will be hosting Google Classroom and Clever integrations as they expand into the North American market. Recognizing the difficulty and cost of building these integrations in-house, Shane Davis, Founder & CEO of LiteracyPlanet, sought an integration partnership with Edlink. Building these integrations internally would divert hundreds of hours of crucial development time from their core product - a compromise Shane was unwilling to make.

For LiteracyPlanet to commit to an integration partner, two use cases needed addressing. First, LiteracyPlanet needed to filter out overshared Personally Identifiable Information (PII). After a school connects, LiteracyPlanet needed a way to filter for English classes or English teachers. Secondly, the integration partner had to handle “floating teachers,” or teachers working at multiple schools within a district. After integrating with Edlink, the LiteracyPlanet development team could do it all.

Through Edlink’s Unified API, LiteracyPlanet now has several LMS, SIS, and IAM provider connections, including Google Classroom and Clever — key milestones in its North American expansion plan. LiteracyPlanet can also use the Edlink dashboard to limit or expand user access and share by class or role through Product Licensing, which solves both of their use cases. The dashboard also helps LiteracyPlanet troubleshoot and maintain their integrations in one centralized location. With Edlink as its integration partner, LiteracyPlanet is well-supported to tackle integrations, while saving development time and money.

“Edlink’s platform is an obvious winner for an Edtech such as ourselves. All things being equal though, it’s people…that make the difference. We pride ourselves on being ‘community’ driven within our business, which means people connections are very important to us. You ticked that box with flying colours!”
- Shane Davis, Founder & CEO at LiteracyPlanet

Edlink is the fastest and easiest way to integrate your learning platform with school data systems. Working with Edlink's Unified API saves development teams from headaches, accelerates time-to-market for operational teams, and helps sales teams win more deals.

Edlink currently supports 100+ edtech companies and helps over 40 million people use their edtech products seamlessly with their school’s LMS, SIS, and identity management platform (like Clever and ClassLink). We’re trusted to exchange sensitive data securely by edtech companies, school IT administrators, and district leaders in over 4,000 educational institutions, and growing.

To learn more about LiteracyPlanet, visit

To learn more about Edlink, visit