How Many Districts Have Adopted Edlink?

As an educational integration platform for elearning tools, our primary audience are edtech companies. So, school districts don’t “adopt” Edlink; districts don’t become “Edlink districts”.

We focus on supporting integrations for elearning tools. Through our clients (other edtech companies), together we support school districts. Edlink is – where we can be – transparent to end-users (school admins, teachers, students, etc.).

There are already so many brands in the mix – we don't need to (or want to) add to the confusion of the edtech ecosystem. We just want to solve hard problems for hardworking edtech companies and developers to be delivered to school admins, teachers, and students.

We support over 23 million teachers, students, and administrators across more than 2,200 school districts and universities. (and growing!)

Have More FAQs?

Read our full collection of frequently asked questions about Edlink and our Unified API.

Ready to Start Integrating?

Create a developer account to set up a test sandbox.

Or if you think Edlink can help you on your integration journey, email us at to set up a call.